Friday, July 15, 2011

Bogeyman melayu ,....

Sedari kecik lagi , aku di 'ajar' di dedahkan ke'tidak suka' an terhadap bangsa lain, macam 'chinese kalau berurusan suka menipu'.. indian they like;y to be drunk ,..........typical of malays to be lazy.

Ini semua stereotype yang dihadapi oleh semua mealyu lah boleh kate, kenapa semua ini berlaku?

-orang melayu yang berurusan dengan chinese telah di backstab, pastu dia pon bagitau kat orang lain yang cina n i kaki tipu, .......lalu mentaliti ini di wariskan kat anak anak diorang , an 'precautionary education' that slowly turns to a silent hate

-orang cina bila berurusan dengan melayu diorang tengok yang melayu ni malas , so diorang pon cakap la ,..bolo punya olang mau kilija u bikin malas,............same la jugak situasinya seperti di atas

-orang india mabuk,........... dah orang melayu tengok india mabuk dia pon cakap yang india ni kaki botol ,padahal ade je malays ,chinese ,omputeh sape sape je la yang boleh togak botol tu pastu feel je dia mabuk.

I think we as a cilivised malaysian must stop that  seriously ,instead of spreading hate and animosity let us spread the love,tell me where on earth can you find a place so serene and peaceful the people are multiracial and live in a complete harmony despite at times there's issues and disagreements arise.? , it's malaysia.

peace is expensive,... i can see the storm of hate ,pain and hatred brewing and it is not good ,..people spread the love!


  1. tetapi aku percaya malaysia ini ibarat a nice beautiful can filled with worms. tunggu masa nak terbukak ja.

  2. agreed, the stuffs in media mostly are just sugar coated bollocks and bullshit mate.
